About Us
Where Speech Meets Literacy
Our Mission:
We are passionate about building phonemic discernment in early readers with instruction that supports gains in literacy skills.
Core Values:
We believe teachers need both knowledge of language and the appropriate tools in order to provide explicit instruction based on the science of teaching reading. It is easy to test for poor phonemic awareness. Many school systems struggle with how to build phonemic discernment. We are here to help.
The Company:
We began as a consulting company coaching K-3 teachers and principals. Our goal was to increase knowledge of Language Essentials to better teach literacy. Using science-backed practices and speech as a tool for early literacy provides students with motivation and confidence, because they experience quick gains. Many published curriculums purchased by schools are worksheet-heavy and don't allow for phonemic awareness with letter tiles or repeated readings of decodable text.
Early readers need teachers with a knowledge of language essentials in order to support students in developing phonemic discernment. As teachers gained knowledge of how to best teach skills like phoneme isolation, phoneme deletion and substitution, they needed tools appropriate for early readers and writers. We designed magnet tiles and special magnetic whiteboards to promote science-backed, engaging early literacy practice. Word chaining activities help promote phonemic discernment. Young readers and those who struggle with reading usually have poor phonemic awareness. They need to be given daily practice identifying phonemes in words and moving grapheme tiles that represent those spoken phonemes.